Wednesday 19 July 2017

Five Forms of Vata, Pita and Kaphas

The universe is an interplay of the energies of the five elements- Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The human body also consists of these five natural elements and functions with three properties or forces such as Vatham, Pittham and Kapham. Vatham is the energy of movement, Pittham the energy of digestion or metabolism and Kapham the energy of lubrication

Panchapranas or Five forms of vata

  1. Praana – The system of perception and movement : Praana vata enables you to see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Praana governs the senses, mind, heart and consciousness. It is our portion of the cosmic life force and controls all other vatas in the body.
    Imbalance of prana vata is linked to worry, anxiety, insomnia, asthma, neurological disorder, respiratory complaints etc.
  2. Udana - It governs exhalation, speech, memory, strength, will and effort.
    Imbalance of udana vata is linked to speech defects, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, ear aches, fatigue etc.
  3. Vyana – It governs the system of circulation, movement of joints and muscles and discharge of impulses and secretions.
    Imbalance of vyana vata is linked to high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, stress related nervous system disorders, circulatory disorders, muscular system disorder etc.
  4. Samana – It governs the system of digestion and absorption
    Imbalance of samana vata is linked to irregular digestion and absorption, gas, diarrhea, emaciated tissue formation
  5. Apana – It governs the system of excretion and reproduction
    Imbalance of Apana is linked to constipation, intestinal cramps, sexual dysfunction, menstrual disorder, prostrate disorders, lower back pain etc.

Panchapittas or Five forms of Pittas 

  1. Pachaka pitta : Vital function of this sub dosha is digesting the food and separating the nutrients from waste products, by regulating the heat of digestion making it fast or slow or efficient or weak.
    Imbalance of pachaka pitta is linked to heartburn,acidity,ulcersetc
  2. Ranjakapitta:the complex processe involved inproducing healthy rbc’cs,balancing blood chemistry,distributing nutrients through bloodstream etc are functions of this sub dosha
    Imbalance ofranjaka pitta is linked to jaundice,anaemia,skin inflammations,anger hostility etc.
  3. Sadhaka pitta:controls the hearts physical function and associated with good memory also
    Imbalance of sadhaka is linked to heart diseases,memory loss,emotional disturbances etc.
  4. Alochaka pitta:located in the eyes and responsible for vision.
    Imbalance of alochaka is linked to vision problems,blood shot eyes and eye diseases of all kinds
  5. Bhrajak pitta:located in the skin and responsible for sensations of the skin,complexion etc.
    imbalance of bhrajaka is linked to rashes ,acne,boils and other skin diseases.

Five forms of kaphas or pancha kaphas

  1. Kledaka kapha: located in the stomacha and keeps the stomach lining moist and is essential for digestion.
    Imbalance of kledaka is linked to too slow or heavy digestion
  2. Avalambak kapha:located in the heart,chest and lowerback and keeps them strong.
    Imbalance is linked to respiratory problems of all types,lethargy etc.
  3. Bodhaka kapha:located in the tongue and allow us to perceive taste
    Imbalance is linked to impairment of tastebuds and salivary glands
  4. Tarpaka kapha:located in the sinuses,head and spinal fluids,protects the sense organs by keeping them moist,and essential for the nervous system functions
    Imbalance is linked to sinus problems,impaired sense of smell and othersenses,
  5. Shelashaka kapha:located in the joints and lubricates all the joints
    imbalance is linked to painful inflammatory joint conditions

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